Who we are?
SAHE believes in educational justice for all children in Pakistan, which entails not only the right to go to school but an equal right to quality education. Based on this belief it aims to work for improvement in the mainstream education system that continues to affect the overwhelming majority of children in Pakistan. Through its research projects it assesses the problems in the education system so as to work on and recommend appropriate solutions plaguing the education sector of Pakistan. By bridging the gap between research and advocacy, SAHE aims to help create sustainable education reform across the country. read more

SAHE and BISP jointly organized a Policy Dialogue on Waseela-e-Taleem (WeT) within a Social Protection Framework
Society for the Advancement of Education (SAHE) and Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) jointly organized a Policy Dialogue on Waseela-e-Taleem (WeT) within a Social Protection Framework on Monday, October 30, 2023, Kohinoor Hall, Marriott Hotel, Islamabad. read more